Rabu, 06 Juni 2012


ISTIQOMAH, LIA. 2007. Homosexuality in James Baldwin’ novel Giovanni’s
Room. Final Project. English Literature. Semarang State University.
This study analyzes about the effect of homosexuality in someone’s life in his
society. This final project is aimed at analyzing the major theme in the novel; finding
out the impact of the homosexuality toward the doers; and knowing the treatment of
the society toward homosexuality.

The object of this study is James Baldwin’s novel entitled Giovanni’s Room.
The writer uses descriptive qualitative analysis. The data of the study are in the form
of words, phrases, sentences, dialogue, explicit utterance as well as implicit utterance.
The data are gathered by reading the novel, identifying, inventorizing, classifying,
simplifying, and selecting technique. To analyze question number 1 all classified data
are used. However, data supporting number 2 are reduced in 29.09% and data
supporting question number 3 are reduced 13.20%. Therefore, there are 16 data and 7
data to be analyzed. The analysis is done by several techniques including exposing,
explaining and interpreting.
Result in several findings. First, homosexuality is the major themes in the
novel. Second, there are two general effects of homosexuality toward the doers. The
first is a positive effect or ego-syntonic homosexuality that covers the raising of self
confidence and happiness feeling. The second is a negative effect or ego-dystonic
homosexuality that covers guilty feeling, depression and the changes of personality.
Third, the treatment of the society toward homosexuality is the acceptance and the
rejection of the society toward the doers.
On the basis of the conclusions, several suggestions can be offered. First, the
reader should see everything from different angles. This might help the reader to see
something that they had not seen before. Second, they should honor the differences
since they live in diversities. By recognizing the differences, they will able to accept
those diversities and live in harmonious life in the society.

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